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The Growth Potential of E-learning in Korea            (성장 잠재력이  가득한 E-learning)

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For the Korean wife, from a Korean wife, a story about the wedding process in Korean language

Information about the wedding process with US Embassy

Table of Contents



East vs. West

Submitted to StoryBasket by: Jack McCoy   10-30-‘07


Korean – not take the last bite, but waits

Yes for no and No for yes

Chops sticks beside plate when finished

Share food-OK to eat from same dish

Many small dishes with main dish(s)

Fruit-Vegetables at breakfast 

Eat fruit for dessert last

Eat lots of fish  

Drink from soup bowl - not usually  

Belch or sigh meal approval-formerly did

Slurp food or soup - not so now

Seldom pass food or dish

One, or a few paper napkins  

Dainty eaters 

Use flat, pointed, metal chop sticks

Eat spaghetti and noodles with chop stick 

Ask personal questions-how much

Do not line up or form line 

Point with index finger 

No 4th floor 

Not fill own glass

Not drink in front of “boss”, turn to side

Guest or older person takes first bite 

“Boss” asks to do more-comply  

Do not drive a better car than “boss” 

Opposed to international marriage

No set appointment w/ a hair dresser

Visit a hair dresser few times a year 

Last name first then given name

Keep her maiden-family name

A few good pieces of gold jewelry

Knife and silverware pointed up

Emergency number 119

Information number 114

Cell phone 011 (one company)

Shoes removed on entering house

Special water proof shoes for bathroom

Cut meat with scissors

Use of metal chop sticks easy

One person pays all the bill

Drink warm water with food for health

Not assertive-confrontational

Korean sticky rice

Baby shower at 100 days 

Rarely hug   

Dislikes sweet, salty and sour

Bow is respect for age

Slim and agile

Squat and sit at low table easy

Heat under the floor 

Air conditioner stands in room

Word “man” on door of men’s bathroom

Dog goes “mung mung 

Cat goes “ya ong ya ong”

Small cup of weak coffee 

Like hazelnut flavored coffee

Cow goes “umm~~~me”  

Chicken goes “kkokki yo” 

Duck goes “kkyak kkyak”  

Walk you to car with a long goodbye

Does not tip    

American - usually not hesitant

Yes for yes, No for no

Silverware across the plate when finished

Eat only from own dish, and not share

Main dish(s) in large bowls

Seldom eat vegetables or fruit at breakfast

Eat fruit with meal and dessert last

Seldom eat fish

Do not drink from bowl - usually

No belch or sigh – formerly did

No sound now - used to slurp

Pass food and dishes

Use many napkins

Not as dainty at eating

Short wooden chop sticks preferred

Use fork

Do not ask personal questions

Line up-wait your turn to be served

Impolite to point with index finger

No 13th floor

Fill own glass and other’s glass

No restriction or rule

Begin together (usually)

Stand pat – refuse or negotiate

Same in US

Cross culture marriage in US is OK - usually

Set appointment w/ a hair dresser

Visit a hair dresser weekly or bi-weekly

First name first, family name last

Maiden name changed to husbands

Many pieces of costume jewelry   

Knives and silverware in sink pointed down

Emergency number US 911

Information number 411

011 Long Distance

Shoes left on when entering

No special shoes for bath

Cut meat with knife

Use of chop sticks difficult if not impossible

Go ‘Dutch’, arrange for who pays, or argue

Drink ice water with meal

Assertive and confrontational

Not selective-Minute Rice is OK

Baby shower before baby is born

Often hug

Likes sweet, salty and sour, usually

Less respect for age and no bow, maybe nod

Fat and clumsy

Squat or sit very long difficult

Central heat and heat ducts in floor-ceiling

Air conditioner placed outside

Word “men” on door of men’s room

Dog goes “bow wow” or “ruff ruff”

Cat goes “meow meow”

Large, full cup of strong coffee

Dislike or not prefer hazelnut flavor

Cow goes “moo moo”

Chicken goes “cockle doodle doo”

Duck goes “quack quack”

Feel the wind at seat of pants as door closes!

Tips 10% - 15%


Above information is donated from Jack McCoy in Oklahoma City. He has supported foreign students including Korean students while they have stayed in OKC. I also enjoyed great support from him in 1999, therefore, I have created three one  year scholarships in his name to return his generosity. It will be awarded in year 2009, 2010, 2011. There are a lot of warm hearted people in the world like Jack. Those people must be Santa Clauses. If you want to be a Santa Clause for a person who you do not know, please contact                                                                                                 

(Korean language version)   위의 비교 차트는 오클라호마에서 한국인및 외국 유학생들에게 많은 도움을 주시는 Jack McCoy    할아버지께서 Story Basket에 실어달라고 보내신 내용입니다. 오클라호마 시티의 학생들은 모두들 이 할아버지를 알고 있습니다. 학생이 오클라호마에 도착하는 즉시 도움을 주시기 시작하지요. 이분이 1999년도에 제게 주신 도움을 전 다시 그분의 이름으로 삼년짜리 장학금을 만들었습니다. 그 장학금은 2009, 2010, 2011년에 걸쳐서 수여될 것입니다. 세상에는 아름다운 마음을 지닌 분들이 많습니다. 그런 모두가 우리의 산타 할아버지가 되는 것이지요. 여러분! 누군가의 산타가 되시고 싶은분은 로 연락주십시요.  

The Mr. Jack McCoy's Scholarship information is located at this link.                                                              (잭할아버지의 장학금 정보는 이곳을 클릭하시면 됩니다.)




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